Find out more about this project I created to help climbers in Rio Grande do Sul who suffered from floods and storms in 2024!
As many know, our state is going through a huge tragedy with countless places taken over by water, several that suffered major damage from storms and others we are trying to find out about the situation!
As a member of the climbing community since I was born, my goal is to help everyone else who is also in it as much as possible!!
The amounts collected will be used for:
Help climbing gyms that suffered damage from floods and heavy rain;
Help climbers who have lost their homes and possessions;
Help local rock climbers to reestablish the practice of climbing;
In addition to other situations that may occur within the community.
Another form of help received was through the raffle organized together with Crux Agarras, in which all the money raised went to the Project!
Access the raffle link here or scan the
QR-Code below!
Below are listed the actions carried out in the project and at the end of the page is the accountability.
Esporte Kura - Gym
Kura is a climbing gym located in Canoas/RS. Many of the people who frequent the space lived in the Mathias Velho neighborhood, heavily affected by the flood, and unfortunately lost everything. I gathered donations and together with a group of climbers we took 10 mattresses, 20 blankets, 20 "cestas básicas" - similar to food stamps, clothes, climbing shoes and bags of magnesium.
Institute and people involved in the action:
- Ascendendo Mentes Institute, in partnership with "Vakinha", "Pretinho Básico" and "Badin Colono";
- Daniela Azevedo
- Fabiane Criscuoli
- Deivis Tavares
- Samuel Palauro
- Andreia Manica
- Maurem Marcondes
- Eduardo Isaia
- Elvis Abadi
- Ana
Muro - Training Center
Muro is a climbing gym located in Porto Alegre/RS in the São Geraldo neighborhood. Strongly affected by the floods, the water (with mud) was more than 1 meter high throughout the gym. Many items were lost and a lot of work is being needed to clean up and rebuild the site.
Cleaning products such as bleach, disinfectant, detergent, sponges and alcohol gel were donated to Ascendendo Mentes Institute.
R$ 18.446,22
Net amount raised from VAKINHA:
R$ 14.666,22
Important: There are two fees on the Vakinha website, one is a percentage of donations and the other is R$5.00 when making each withdrawal.Therefore, in the following image it is possible to see that the amount donated is R$ 15,705.90, but we only have access to the amount with the fees discounted, that is, the net amount.
Amount raised from the raffle CRUX:
R$ 3.780,00
(all actions are described below)
Helping climbing gyms that suffered flood damage = R$ 7.000
Helping climbers rebuild their homes = R$ 1.500
Muro - Training Center
To assist in the reconstruction of the Muro climbing gym, located in Porto Alegre/RS, R$ 7,000.00 was donated (R$ 2,500.00 initially and R$ 4,500.00 later) from the collection carried out on the Vakinha website.
This amount will be used by the owners of the Training Center to purchase necessary materials, repairs and replace what was lost.
Climber Guilherme Guedes
Athlete Guilherme Guedes lives in the city of El Dourado, close to Porto Alegre/RS.
It was one of the two most affected places and his house was completely taken over by water, losing many furniture and appliances. To help you rebuild your home, R$1,500.00 was allocated in a pix payment!
LAST UPDATE DATE: 06/13/2024
Collection continues and destinations are being organized.